Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Roads of South Orange County Will Be Improving

It seems that over the past few months, everywhere I drive there is road work going on. Some of these are short term local projects while others are going to be major projects that will yield big results once they are completed.

Re-alignment of the Ortega Highway Interchange is one such project that in underway and is expected to be completed by the Spring of 2015.  This is a Caltrans project and as a part of this project, the Ortega Highway west of the freeway is being realigned to connect directly to Del Obispo instead of going straight to Camino Capistrano.  The Ortega Interchange bridge is being rebuilt, and the north and south on- and off-ramps are being widened.  Traffic can be a bear getting through this area - especially on Friday afternoons.  For construction updates, log onto

Closing the Avenida La Pata Gap Gap between San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano is another project that is just about ready to go out to bid.  I have heard that there is still about a 15 million funding short-fall, but that the project will commence even with the funding issue.  More information is available on this project by going to

Extending the 241 Toll Road is a project of the TCA (Transportation Corridor Agencies) which intend to extend the 241 Toll Road 5 1/2 miles south from where it currently ends at Oso Parkway to an area near the Ortega Highway - also being called Cow Camp Road.  This project is known as the Tesoro Extension and has been going through the permitting process over the summer with construction scheduled to begin as early as December 2013.  For more information on this project go to

The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) has two projects they are undertaking to improve Interstate 5.  During the first project, one carpool lane will be added in each direction on Interstate 5 from San Juan Creek Road in San Juan Capistrano to Avenida Pico in San Clemente.  Avenida Pico in San Clemente will also have the freeway interchange widened.  As everyone knows that lives in San Clemente, this project is desperately needed, but living with the construction will be tough since it is not expected to be completed until mid-2017.  More information is available at

The second project from OCTA which is scheduled between 2018 and 2022, will address Interstate 5 from El Toro Road to the 73 Toll Road Interchange - which will be improved and the second carpool lane will be extended from its current terminus near El Toro Road to Alicia Parkway.  In addition, either one or two new general purpose lanes may be added to Interstate 5 between El Toro Road and the 73 Toll Road.  In June 2018, OCTA will begin rebuilding the interchanges at both La Paz Road and Avery Parkway.  More information on this project can be found at