Thursday, March 8, 2007

South County Real Estate Updates and Why Use An Agent For New Home Sales

Homes Are Where The Heart is my own type of web page. As a realtor here in South Orange County, CA; there is so much happening. When talking to our computer guy, I let him know that I wanted to update my web page at least weekly and share information that I come across to my readers. He thought a web page that is really a BLOG would be the way to go so here I am.

South County Real Estate Updates are derived from information that is put out for realtors from the Orange County Association of Realtors. Every week, agents from the area, submit new listings and properties they want to generate renewed interest on to the other agents in the area. This is not a comprehensive list of what is actually listed for this time period, that can only be accessed via a relationship with a realtor that has access to the MLS (multiple listing service). My South County Real Estate Updates or What's Hot is designed to give a quick and dirty overview for those wanting to have a better idea of what is going on.

Please do not believe everything you read in the papers and here on the local news about real estate. Their job is to sell newspapers or have you tune into the news - not necessarily to report what is really going on.

Just a quick note to those out there looking for NEW HOMES. Most new home builders have found it advantageous to work with local area realtors. A licensed real estate agent can help you buy your brand new home just as well as buy the resale home. Having someone look out after your interest is in your best interest. With the changing marketplace, often builders start to discount new homes to move them, if you have a licensed agent working as your "buyers agent" they can often help you negotiate a better deal than what is offered right up front. The deal with working with an agent on new home sales, is you cannot walk into that sales office and put down your name without an agent, because then the agent won't want to work with you since by you signing their book without an agent, you have given them notice that you are not represented. If you think you might be moving in this direction, please call your agent first and have them register you in the sales office.

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